Environmental & Durability Passive


Dynamic Tests

Product/Material for test Specific tests to be performed Test method specifications against which test to be performed Range of testing/limits of detection
Electrical and Electronic items and related material Salt Spray IS 9000 (Part 2): 1983 (RA 2004) IEC: 6006E-2-ll (1981) JSS: 50101 (1996) JSS: 55555:2000, Rev 2 IEC:60571: 2006 Qualitative 600mm x 450mm x 400mm LxWxH mm 300C to 400C with 95 %RH Storage
Vibration Sine / Random Test IS 9000 (Part 8): 1981 (RA 2006) IEC: 60068-2-6/ 64(2008-ed-4) JSS: 50101 (1996) JSS: 55555:2000, Rev 2 IEC : 60571 : 2006 Qualitative Up to 4000 Hz sweep Displacement - 25mm (p-p) Max Acceleration (Bare Table) – 80g (sine) Max Velocity – 1500 mm/s Force : 300Kgf (Peak)